Saturday, June 25, 2011

Toastmasters District Officer Training Today

This training will tell me everything that I need to know about being an Area Governor...  I hope.  This will be the first year that I'll be taking this session.  Usually, it is offered in the afternoon of the same day that the club officer training is... (which training I have been through at least half a dozen times).  This year, it is on a separate day, at a separate location, due to facility scheduling conflicts.  Should be an interesting session.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Introducing.... ME!

Ok, I admit it.  I am a little late getting into the Blogging thing.  Yes, I was almost bleeding edge for Web Sites, back in the day of GeoCities and so forth, but I got away from it because... it was just too much trouble to maintain the sites.  Blogging on a site like takes a lot of the hassle away, and lets me blather on to my hearts content.

And this is certainly the place for general blathering.  Specifically, I'm going to blather about my organized blathering, i.e.: my activities in Toastmasters.  You see, I've been doing Toastmasters now for over four years, and you might say that I've gotten good at it.  But then again, you might say I haven't.  You decide.

I joined Carylina Toastmaster in February of 2007, as a man who has known that he should improve his speaking skills for a long time.  Well, now was the time.  As most new members did, I started working my way through the CC manual.  I finished in about 10 months, which is faster than some, slower than others.  I also let myself be conned... er, persuaded... to become the sgt-at-arms for the club, a position where I got to drag the club supplies too and from meetings for a year.

I continued the next year, earning the additional awards of ACB and CL, and filling the duties of Teasurer.  Of all the offices that I've held, that one is the biggest pain in the behind, even though it isn't that much work.  Admittedly, this is mostly because I'm not much for record keeping.  Someone like my wife would do so much better at it.  I also joined a second club, B.C. P. Toastmasters.

Third year, and I earned ACS and ALB, and held the office of V.P. Education for both clubs that I was a member of.  Yes, VPE does involve the most work of any club officer position, but unlike Treasurer, this was stuff I actually enjoyed doing.

Fourth year, I was elected as President of  BCP, and dropped out of Carylina due to time conflicts with a class I wanted to take.  I did step up to be a club mentor for a new club that is forming on the other side of town, Schnieder Electric Toastmasters.  No additional awards this year, but its mostly because I've been putting off finishing the ACG.  ALS, the highest award of the leadership track, requires that I hold a District office.

Which leads to the coming year.  Starting in a week (July 1), I will become the Area Governor for Area 84 of District 37.  This means that I will be coordinating with five clubs...  B.C.P., and Carylina, as well as three new clubs:  Power NAAAPsters, Talkers@CISCO, and Techtalk Toastmasters.  In addition to attending at least a few of these other club's meetings, I get to go to District meetings a few times a year.

Who am I?  A guy who has gotten fairly comfortable standing up in front of a group of strangers to talk.  For everything else, go look at my other blogs.